PHIL Courses

Here is information about PHIL class enrollment for fall 2024. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!

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Data last updated: 2024-10-14 12:09:29.887428

Class Number Class Meeting Time Instructor Room Unreserved Enrollment Reserved Enrollment Total Enrollment Wait List
13796PHIL   60 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Plato's Symposium and Its Influence on Western Art and LiteratureMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMRory HanlonPeabody Hall-Rm 20666/7Seats filled23/24 
13797PHIL   60 - 002   First-Year Seminar: Plato's Symposium and Its Influence on Western Art and LiteratureMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMRory HanlonPeabody Hall-Rm 2066Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
13792PHIL   63 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Mind, Brain, and ConsciousnessTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMRAM NETAMitchell Hall-Rm 121ASeats filledSeats filled24/24 
13790PHIL   86 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Persons and IdentityTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMCarla Merino-RajmePeabody Hall-Rm 20665/6Seats filled23/24 
10396PHIL  101 - 001   Introduction to Philosophy: Central Problems, Great Minds, Big IdeasMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMJackson BittickGenome Sciences Bui-Rm G010Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
10496PHIL  105 - 001   How to Reason and Argue: An Introduction to Critical ThinkingMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMFelix BenzantManning Hall-Rm 0307Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
12359PHIL  105 - 002   How to Reason and Argue: An Introduction to Critical ThinkingTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMYan ChenPeabody Hall-Rm 208038/40Seats filled38/400/999
11072PHIL  134 - 001   Reason, Faith, and God: Philosophy of Western ReligionTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMeredith SheeksGardner Hall-Rm 021034/35Seats filled34/350/999
10032PHIL  140 - 001   Knowledge and SocietyMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMWill ConnerFetzer Hall-Rm 010439/40Seats filled39/400/999
10031PHIL  143 - 001   AI and the Future of Humanity: Philosophical Issues about Technology and Human SurvivalMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMShanna SlankCaldwell Hall-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
14592PHIL  143 - 002   AI and the Future of Humanity: Philosophical Issues about Technology and Human SurvivalTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMWilliam KanwischerDey Hall-Rm 020638/40Seats filled38/400/999
17201PHIL  143 - 003   AI and the Future of Humanity: Philosophical Issues about Technology and Human SurvivalMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMKatie DeavenStone Center-Rm 02099/16Seats filled23/300/999
17203PHIL  143 - 004   AI and the Future of Humanity: Philosophical Issues about Technology and Human SurvivalMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMKatie DeavenStone Center-Rm 020910/13Seats filled27/300/999
6624PHIL  155 - 001   Truth and Proof: Introduction to Mathematical LogicTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMBen SchwartzGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030233/40Seats filled33/400/999
17202PHIL  155 - 002   Truth and Proof: Introduction to Mathematical LogicTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMATTHEW KOTZENGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030118/19Seats filled34/350/999
13795PHIL  155H - 001   Truth and Proof: Introduction to Mathematical LogicTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMSarah StroudGraham Memorial-Rm 003822/24Seats filled22/240/999
6625PHIL  160 - 001   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryMoWe 9:05AM - 9:55AMGeoff Sayre-McCordGenome Sciences Bui-Rm G20081/109Seats filled172/2000/999
8141PHIL  160 - 601   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMIan ChoGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030223/25Seats filled23/250/999
8142PHIL  160 - 602   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMIan ChoPeabody Hall-Rm 206623/25Seats filled23/250/999
8143PHIL  160 - 603   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMRalph FlandersGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030522/25Seats filled22/250/999
8144PHIL  160 - 604   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMRalph FlandersHamilton Hall-Rm 045224/25Seats filled24/250/999
8145PHIL  160 - 605   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMCaleb HobbsStone Center-Rm 0210Seats filledSeats filled25/250/999
8146PHIL  160 - 606   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMCaleb HobbsWilson Hall-Rm 021719/25Seats filled19/250/999
9070PHIL  160 - 607   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMDashiell ShulmanManning Hall-Rm 030717/25Seats filled17/250/999
9071PHIL  160 - 608   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMDashiell ShulmanGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030519/25Seats filled19/250/999
14851PHIL  160H - 001   Virtue, Value, and Happiness: An Introduction to Moral TheoryTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMargaret SheaDey Hall-Rm 0402Seats filledSeats filled24/240/999
9161PHIL  163 - 001   Practical Ethics: Moral Reasoning and How We LiveMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMShanna SlankCaldwell Hall-Rm 010539/40Seats filled39/400/999
10188PHIL  163 - 002   Practical Ethics: Moral Reasoning and How We LiveMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMPaul GarofaloPeabody Hall-Rm 208018/19Seats filled39/400/999
14578PHIL  164 - 001   Morality and BusinessMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMZachary FergusonPhillips Hall-Rm 032838/40Seats filled38/400/999
10186PHIL  165 - 001   BioethicsMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMWill ConnerFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
10187PHIL  165 - 002   BioethicsTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMSamuel FullhartFetzer Hall-Rm 010439/40Seats filled39/400/999
17204PHIL  165 - 003   BioethicsMoWe 4:40PM - 5:55PMKatie DeavenPhillips Hall-Rm 022414/19Seats filled25/300/999
11328PHIL  213 - 001   Asian PhilosophyMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMThomas MattessichPeabody Hall-Rm 305039/40Seats filled39/400/999
13785PHIL  220 - 001   17th and 18th Century Western PhilosophyTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMYifan LiPeabody Hall-Rm 206630/32Seats filled30/320/999
12361PHIL  224 - 001   Existential Philosophy and the Meaning(lessness) of LifeTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMMarkus KohlCaldwell Hall-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
13794PHIL  251 - 001   Inductive Logic and the Scientific MethodMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMJohn RobertsPeabody Hall-Rm 2066Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
4378PHIL  272 - 001   The Ethics of Peace, War, and DefenseMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMKyle CessnaPhillips Hall-Rm 0328Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
12371PHIL  272 - 002   The Ethics of Peace, War, and DefenseMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMSteven SarokaPhillips Hall-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled5/50/999
12435PHIL  272 - 003   The Ethics of Peace, War, and DefenseTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMJoseph RossVenable Hall-Rm G311Seats filledSeats filled29/290/999
12014PHIL  273H - 001   Justice, Rights, and the Common Good: Philosophical Perspectives on Social and Economic IssuesMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMLuc BovensCaldwell Hall-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled24/240/999
14580PHIL  274 - 001   Race, Racism, and Social Justice: African-American Political PhilosophyMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMLogan MitchellPeabody Hall-Rm 2024Seats filledSeats filled40/400/999
7948PHIL  275 - 001   Moral and Philosophical Issues of Gender in SocietyTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMAva GeenenPeabody Hall-Rm 301834/35Seats filled34/350/999
9140PHIL  280 - 001   Morality, Law, and Justice: Issues in Legal PhilosophyMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMWilliam BergerGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030239/40Seats filled39/400/999
11071PHIL  282 - 001   Human Rights: Philosophical InterrogationsTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMJoseph RossMurphey Hall-Rm 010522/23Seats filled38/390/999
13798PHIL  285 - 001   Moral and Philosophical Issues in EducationMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMMichael VazquezCaldwell Hall-Rm 010539/40Seats filled39/400/999
6713PHIL  292 - 001   Field Work in Philosophy: Introducing Philosophy in Primary and Secondary SchoolsTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMRaye PloegerCaldwell Hall-Rm 0208Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
13791PHIL  330 - 001   MetaphysicsTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMCarla Merino-RajmePeabody Hall-Rm 206627/30Seats filled27/300/999
11819PHIL  381 - 001   Philosophy and FilmTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMRory HanlonCaldwell Hall-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled35/350/999
8568PHIL  384 - 001   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsMoWe 11:15AM - 12:05PMLuc BovensGlobal Education, F-Rm 101575/80Seats filled75/800/999
7177PHIL  384 - 002   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMCara NineGreenlaw Hall-Rm 0305Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
15084PHIL  384 - 003   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMSamuel FullhartFetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
17629PHIL  384 - 004   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMPaul GarofaloGreenlaw Hall-Rm 030514/15Seats filled14/150/999
13737PHIL  384 - 601   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMEric ChoiPhillips Hall-Rm 022212/13Seats filled12/130/999
13738PHIL  384 - 602   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMEric ChoiPhillips Hall-Rm 0208Seats filledSeats filled13/130/999
13739PHIL  384 - 603   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMMyraeka D'leeuwenAlumni Bldg-Rm 020510/13Seats filled10/130/999
13740PHIL  384 - 604   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMMyraeka D'leeuwenGraham Memorial-Rm 0038Seats filledSeats filled13/130/999
13741PHIL  384 - 605   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMNicole DominiakGraham Memorial-Rm 0213Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
13742PHIL  384 - 606   Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMNicole DominiakAlumni Bldg-Rm 020513/14Seats filled13/140/999
13788PHIL  412 - 001   PlatoTu 1:00PM - 3:30PMMARISKA LEUNISSENCaldwell Hall-Rm 0213Seats filledSeats filled20/200/999
13787PHIL  428 - 001   History of American PhilosophyWe 1:00PM - 3:30PMMARC LANGECaldwell Hall-Rm 021311/18Seats filled13/200/999
15108PHIL  464 - 001   Moral ResponsibilityTu 4:00PM - 6:30PMRosalind ChaplinCaldwell Hall-Rm 0213Seats filledSeats filled20/200/999
6946PHIL  698 - 001   Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Capstone CourseTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMTom DoughertyPeabody Hall-Rm 2066Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
8177PHIL  698 - 002   Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Capstone CourseMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMWilliam BergerDey Hall-Rm 04039/14Seats filled9/140/999
14574PHIL  698 - 003   Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Capstone CourseTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMGerard RothfusPeabody Hall-Rm 206613/14Seats filled13/140/999
14584PHIL  698 - 004   Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Capstone CourseMoWe 4:40PM - 5:55PMGerard RothfusHanes Hall-Rm 01128/14Seats filled8/140/999
9410PHIL  700 - 001   Proto-Seminar in PhilosophyTh 9:00AM - 11:30AMMARC LANGE,
Caldwell Hall-Rm 02135/15Seats filled5/150/999
11817PHIL  740 - 001   Advanced Studies in Philosophy of MindWe 4:00PM - 6:30PMTHOMAS HOFWEBERCaldwell Hall-Rm 02136/15Seats filled6/150/999
13786PHIL  760 - 001   Advanced Studies in Moral TheoryTh 4:00PM - 6:30PMTom DoughertyCaldwell Hall-Rm 02139/15Seats filled9/150/999
7293PHIL  790 - 046   Colloquium Series SeminarFr 2:30PM - 5:00PMMATTHEW KOTZENCaldwell Hall-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
13793PHIL  850 - 001   Research Seminar in Philosophy of ScienceMo 3:00PM - 5:30PMJohn RobertsCaldwell Hall-Rm 02135/15Seats filled5/150/999
17945PHIL  994 - 037   Doctoral Research and DissertationMo 9:00AM - 10:00AMJohn RobertsCaldwell Hall-Rm 215BSeats filledSeats filled1/1 
13772PHIL  994 - 059   Doctoral Research and DissertationTh 1:00PM - 3:30PMRosalind ChaplinCaldwell Hall-Rm 0213Seats filledSeats filled5/5 
14812PHIL  994 - 061   Doctoral Research and DissertationTh 1:00PM - 3:30PMMargaret SheaCaldwell Hall-Rm 0213Seats filledSeats filled5/5