GEOG Courses

Here is information about GEOG class enrollment for fall 2024. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!

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Data last updated: 2024-10-14 11:56:46.496869

Class Number Class Meeting Time Instructor Room Unreserved Enrollment Reserved Enrollment Total Enrollment Wait List
14600GEOG   50 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Mountain EnvironmentsTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMDIEGO RIVEROS-IREGUICarolina Hall-Rm 0204Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
11844GEOG   56 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Local Places in a Globalizing WorldMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMRuth Matamoros MercadoCarolina Hall-Rm 0204Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
2570GEOG  110 - 001   The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth's Environmental SystemsTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMDIEGO RIVEROS-IREGUI,
Natalia Mushegian
Carolina Hall-Rm 0220Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
13649GEOG  110 - 002   The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth's Environmental SystemsMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMPaul Taillie,
Nguyen Tien Anh Quach,
Bikesh Jojiju
Wilson Hall-Rm 012861/65Seats filled74/780/999
11762GEOG  115 - 001   Maps: Geographic Information from Babylon to GoogleMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMJavier Arce-NazarioFetzer Hall-Rm 010429/35Seats filled29/350/999
14708GEOG  115 - 002   Maps: Geographic Information from Babylon to GoogleTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMDavid ParrWilson Hall-Rm 0202Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
2507GEOG  120 - 001   World Regional GeographyMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMAdrian Drummond-Cole,
James Bryan,
Benjamin Gilvar-Parke
Davie Hall-Rm 011280/81Seats filled80/810/999
10743GEOG  120 - 002   World Regional GeographyTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAdrian Drummond-Cole,
Annie Elledge
Carolina Hall-Rm 022049/50Seats filled49/500/999
2523GEOG  121 - 001   Geographies of GlobalizationMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMAdrian Drummond-Cole,
Yu-Hsiu Lien,
Shannon Chambers
Gardner Hall-Rm 000850/54Seats filled98/1020/999
2569GEOG  130 - 001   Development and Inequality: Global PerspectivesTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMClark Gray,
Sara Ghebremicael
Carolina Hall-Rm 0220Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
2508GEOG  210 - 001   Global Issues and GlobalizationMoWe 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica JohnsonGlobal Education, F-Rm 101529/30Seats filled29/300/999
2511GEOG  210 - 601   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica Johnson,
Ananya Jain
Global Education, F-Rm 1009Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2512GEOG  210 - 602   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica Johnson,
Christopher Camacho
Fetzer Hall-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2513GEOG  210 - 603   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica Johnson,
Ella Mccalip
Global Education, F-Rm 3024Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2514GEOG  210 - 604   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica Johnson,
Cameron Terry
Phillips Hall-Rm 0328Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2515GEOG  210 - 605   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMErica Johnson,
Ananya Jain
Global Education, F-Rm 1009Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2516GEOG  210 - 606   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMErica Johnson,
Christopher Camacho
Global Education, F-Rm 3024Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2517GEOG  210 - 607   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMErica Johnson,
Ella Mccalip
Global Education, F-Rm 3024Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
2518GEOG  210 - 608   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMErica Johnson,
Cameron Terry
Global Education, F-Rm 1009Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
13816GEOG  210 - 609   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMErica Johnson,
Sydney Greenwood
Greenlaw Hall-Rm 0302Seats filledSeats filled3/30/999
13817GEOG  210 - 610   Global Issues and GlobalizationFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMErica Johnson,
Sydney Greenwood
Greenlaw Hall-Rm 03042/3Seats filled2/30/999
11138GEOG  212 - 001   Environmental Conservation and Global ChangeMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMPaul Taillie,
Kalin Despain
Carolina Hall-Rm 0220Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
2589GEOG  215 - 001   Introduction to Spatial Data ScienceMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMDavid Parr,
Suad Jabr,
Supranee Kampongsun
Howell Hall-Rm 0115113/125Seats filled118/1300/999
14683GEOG  215 - 002   Introduction to Spatial Data ScienceMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMDavid ParrGenome Sciences Bui-Rm 137725/28Seats filled25/280/999
2602GEOG  222 - 001   Health and Medical GeographyTuTh 5:00PM - 6:15PMMichael Emch,
Betül Aykaç
Carolina Hall-Rm 022048/55Seats filled48/550/999
13654GEOG  225 - 001   Space, Place, and DifferenceTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMLeiha EdmondsCarolina Hall-Rm 020421/23Seats filled21/230/999
11763GEOG  228 - 001   Urban GeographyMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMNina Martin,
Victoria Ting
Dey Hall-Rm 030554/55Seats filled54/550/999
11764GEOG  237 - 001   Natural ResourcesMoWeFr 9:05AM - 9:55AMCONGHE SONGCarolina Hall-Rm 022021/53Seats filled23/550/999
13656GEOG  259 - 001   Society and Environment in Latin AmericaMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMRuth Matamoros Mercado,
Kayla Roulhac
Carolina Hall-Rm 022053/55Seats filled53/550/999
2574GEOG  295 - 001   Undergraduate Research in GeographyTu 2:00PM - 5:00PMAmanda DelvecchiaCarolina Hall-Rm 0225Seats filledSeats filled2/20/999
18102GEOG  295 - 003   Undergraduate Research in GeographyFr 3:30PM - 6:30PMElizabeth HaviceCarolina Hall-Rm 03240/2Seats filled0/2 
11662GEOG  296 - 049   Independent StudyFr 3:30PM - 6:30PMAmanda DelvecchiaCarolina Hall-Rm 02251/2Seats filled1/20/999
2501GEOG  370 - 006   Introduction to Geographic InformationMoWe 2:30PM - 3:45PMJavier Arce-Nazario,
Klaus Mayr
Carolina Hall-Rm 022047/50Seats filled47/500/999
2580GEOG  370 - 007   Introduction to Geographic InformationTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMJUN LIANG,
Devin Rooney
Carolina Hall-Rm 022049/50Seats filled49/500/999
13126GEOG  370 - 008   Introduction to Geographic InformationMoWe 4:40PM - 5:55PMAndres Vina-Vizcaino,
Sophia Graybill
Carolina Hall-Rm 022048/50Seats filled48/500/999
2502GEOG  370 - 601   Introduction to Geographic InformationFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMKlaus Mayr,
Javier Arce-Nazario
Carolina Hall-Rm 0322Seats filledSeats filled25/250/999
2503GEOG  370 - 602   Introduction to Geographic InformationTh 2:00PM - 2:50PMKlaus Mayr,
Javier Arce-Nazario
Carolina Hall-Rm 032222/25Seats filled22/250/999
2581GEOG  370 - 701   Introduction to Geographic InformationMo 3:35PM - 4:25PMDevin Rooney,
Carolina Hall-Rm 032224/25Seats filled24/250/999
2582GEOG  370 - 702   Introduction to Geographic InformationWe 1:25PM - 2:15PMDevin Rooney,
Carolina Hall-Rm 0322Seats filledSeats filled25/250/999
13128GEOG  370 - 801   Introduction to Geographic InformationTu 2:00PM - 2:50PMSophia Graybill,
Andres Vina-Vizcaino
Carolina Hall-Rm 0322Seats filledSeats filled25/250/999
13127GEOG  370 - 802   Introduction to Geographic InformationTh 3:30PM - 4:20PMSophia Graybill,
Andres Vina-Vizcaino
Carolina Hall-Rm 032223/25Seats filled23/250/999
2588GEOG  391 - 001   Quantitative Methods in GeographyTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMAARON MOODYGlobal Education, F-Rm 1009Seats filledSeats filled30/300/999
10746GEOG  392 - 001   Research Methods in GeographyMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMChristian LentzHanes Hall-Rm 0125Seats filledSeats filled28/280/999
13657GEOG  412 - 001   Synoptic MeteorologyTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMCHARLES KONRADCarolina Hall-Rm 020411/28Seats filled11/280/999
13658GEOG  415 - 001   Communicating Important IdeasMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMERIKA WISECarolina Hall-Rm 020426/28Seats filled26/280/999
13716GEOG  423 - 001   Social GeographyTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMSARA SMITHGreenlaw Hall-Rm 022230/35Seats filled30/350/999
13694GEOG  429 - 001   Urban Political Geography: Durham, NCMo 3:35PM - 6:35PMNina MartinCarolina Hall-Rm 010425/30Seats filled25/300/999
10756GEOG  435 - 001   Global Environmental JusticeTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMShorna AllredCarolina Hall-Rm 0204Seats filledSeats filled26/260/999
11845GEOG  437 - 001   Social Vulnerability to Climate ChangeTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMClark GrayCarolina Hall-Rm 020422/23Seats filled22/230/999
2572GEOG  477 - 001   Introduction to Remote Sensing of the EnvironmentTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAARON MOODY,
Caldwell Hall-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled25/250/999
2505GEOG  491 - 001   Introduction to GISMoWeFr 11:15AM - 12:05PMAndres Vina-Vizcaino,
Lauren Babinetz
Carolina Hall-Rm 022030/43Seats filled32/450/999
11786GEOG  491 - 601   Introduction to GISMo 1:25PM - 2:15PMLauren Babinetz,
Andres Vina-Vizcaino
Carolina Hall-Rm 032214/22Seats filled14/220/999
2526GEOG  491 - 602   Introduction to GISWe 3:35PM - 4:25PMLauren Babinetz,
Andres Vina-Vizcaino
Carolina Hall-Rm 032218/23Seats filled18/230/999
2573GEOG  493 - 001   InternshipFr 2:30PM - 5:30PMChris FuhrmannCoates Bldg-Rm 02020/2Seats filled0/20/999
2575GEOG  493 - 002   InternshipMo 4:00PM - 6:45PMJavier Arce-NazarioCarolina Hall-Rm 03261/2Seats filled1/20/999
18088GEOG  493 - 004   InternshipFr 3:30PM - 6:00PMCONGHE SONGCarolina Hall-Rm 02061/2Seats filled1/2 
13659GEOG  541 - 001   GIS in Public HealthTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMPaul Delamater,
Lindsey Jackson
Carolina Hall-Rm 0220Seats filledSeats filled55/550/999
14691GEOG  543 - 001   Qualitative Methods in GeographyTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMSARA SMITHCarolina Hall-Rm 010416/24Seats filled16/240/999
2601GEOG  567 - 001   Geospatial Data Analysis with Google Earth EngineMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMQi Zhang,
Carolina Hall-Rm 022023/50Seats filled23/500/999
11768GEOG  591 - 001   Applied Issues in Geographic Information SystemsMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMJUN LIANGCarolina Hall-Rm 032221/25Seats filled21/250/999
2543GEOG  592 - 001   Geographic Information Science ProgrammingMoWeFr 2:30PM - 3:20PMJUN LIANGCarolina Hall-Rm 032212/25Seats filled12/250/999
10751GEOG  691H - 001   HonorsFr 3:30PM - 6:30PMSARA SMITHCarolina Hall-Rm 02221/2Seats filled1/20/999
2544GEOG  691H - 002   HonorsTh 11:00AM - 11:50AMAARON MOODYCarolina Hall-Rm 02111/2Seats filled1/20/999
2545GEOG  691H - 003   HonorsWe 9:00AM - 11:00AMChristian LentzCarolina Hall-Rm 319A1/2Seats filled1/20/999
2546GEOG  691H - 004   HonorsFr 3:30PM - 6:30PMTo be AnnouncedCarolina Hall-Rm 03210/2Seats filled0/20/999
2583GEOG  702 - 001   Contemporary Geographic ThoughtMo 3:35PM - 6:35PMGabriela ValdiviaTBA10/12Seats filled10/120/999
2506GEOG  704 - 001   Communicating GeographyMo 3:35PM - 6:35PMChristian LentzCarolina Hall-Rm 0204Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
14681GEOG  802 - 001   Research Seminar in Geographic Information SciencesTu 3:30PM - 6:30PMPaul DelamaterTBASeats filledSeats filled8/80/999
10747GEOG  804 - 001   Research Seminar in Social GeographyTh 3:30PM - 6:30PMPervin GokarikselTBA11/12Seats filled11/120/999
18086GEOG  900 - 001   Special Work in GeographyTh 3:30PM - 6:30PMJavier Arce-NazarioCarolina Hall-Rm 03261/5Seats filled1/5 
2555GEOG  900 - 028   Special Work in GeographyFr 9:00AM - 10:00AMPervin GokarikselGlobal Education, F-Rm 22031/5Seats filled1/50/999
2558GEOG  900 - 032   Special Work in GeographyWe 3:30PM - 5:00PMGabriela ValdiviaCarolina Hall-Rm 03152/5Seats filled2/50/999
2559GEOG  900 - 033   Special Work in GeographyTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMSARA SMITHCarolina Hall-Rm 02221/5Seats filled1/50/999
11660GEOG  900 - 049   Special Work in GeographyTh 2:00PM - 5:30PMAmanda DelvecchiaCarolina Hall-Rm 02251/5Seats filled1/50/999
2520GEOG  993 - 036   Master's Research and ThesisWe 3:00PM - 6:00PMElizabeth HaviceCarolina Hall-Rm 03241/10Seats filled1/100/999
2491GEOG  994 - 016   Doctoral Research and DissertationTu 4:50PM - 6:50PMCHARLES KONRADCarolina Hall-Rm 03052/10Seats filled2/100/999
2493GEOG  994 - 023   Doctoral Research and DissertationTu 5:00PM - 7:30PMSCOTT KIRSCHCarolina Hall-Rm 03061/10Seats filled1/100/999
2494GEOG  994 - 024   Doctoral Research and DissertationMo 1:00PM - 4:00PMCONGHE SONGCarolina Hall-Rm 02062/10Seats filled2/100/999
2496GEOG  994 - 028   Doctoral Research and DissertationFr 3:00PM - 5:30PMPervin GokarikselCarolina Hall-Rm 03072/10Seats filled2/100/999
2497GEOG  994 - 029   Doctoral Research and DissertationWe 3:30PM - 5:30PMMichael EmchCarolina Hall-Rm 03041/10Seats filled1/100/999
2499GEOG  994 - 032   Doctoral Research and DissertationFr 1:30PM - 2:30PMGabriela ValdiviaCarolina Hall-Rm 03151/10Seats filled1/100/999
2500GEOG  994 - 033   Doctoral Research and DissertationWe 3:35PM - 6:35PMSARA SMITHCarolina Hall-Rm 02222/10Seats filled2/100/999
2510GEOG  994 - 034   Doctoral Research and DissertationFr 3:30PM - 6:30PMERIKA WISECarolina Hall-Rm 03251/10Seats filled1/100/999
2521GEOG  994 - 035   Doctoral Research and DissertationTu 10:00AM - 11:00AMClark GrayCarolina Hall-Rm 03081/5Seats filled1/50/999
2522GEOG  994 - 036   Doctoral Research and DissertationTh 1:00PM - 3:00PMElizabeth HaviceCarolina Hall-Rm 03252/5Seats filled2/50/999
2528GEOG  994 - 041   Doctoral Research and DissertationWe 2:30PM - 3:30PMELIZABETH OLSONCarolina Hall-Rm 03172/5Seats filled2/50/999
2567GEOG  994 - 042   Doctoral Research and DissertationTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMDIEGO RIVEROS-IREGUICarolina Hall-Rm 03271/5Seats filled1/50/999
2587GEOG  994 - 044   Doctoral Research and DissertationMo 1:00PM - 3:00PMPaul DelamaterCarolina Hall-Rm 02171/5Seats filled1/50/999
2594GEOG  994 - 047   Doctoral Research and DissertationMo 3:00PM - 4:00PMChérie RiversCarolina Hall-Rm 319C1/5Seats filled1/50/999