DRAM Courses

Here is information about DRAM class enrollment for fall 2024. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!

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Data last updated: 2024-10-14 11:35:46.460565

Class Number Class Meeting Time Instructor Room Unreserved Enrollment Reserved Enrollment Total Enrollment Wait List
13358DRAM   79 - 001   First-Year Seminar: The Heart of the Play: Fundamentals of Acting, Playwriting, and CollaborationTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMMARK PERRYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
11742DRAM   80 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Psychology of Clothes: Motivations for Dressing Up and Dressing DownTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMPamela BondGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
15081DRAM   80 - 002   First-Year Seminar: Psychology of Clothes: Motivations for Dressing Up and Dressing DownTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMPamela BondGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
13355DRAM   81H - 001   First-Year Seminar: Staging America: The American DramaTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0105Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
13151DRAM   83 - 002   First-Year Seminar: Spectacle in the TheatreTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMDAVID NAVALINSKYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0125Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
11724DRAM   85 - 001   First-Year Seminar: Documentary TheatreTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMAubrey SnowdenGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled24/24 
14323DRAM  115 - 002   Perspectives in DramaMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMJim Bray,
Zachary Morrison,
Elizabeth Dye
Dey Hall-Rm 030553/57Seats filled54/580/999
14738DRAM  115 - 004   Perspectives in DramaMoWeFr 2:30PM - 3:20PMJim Bray,
Benjamin Fink,
Jadah Johnson
Genome Sciences Bui-Rm G01033/56Seats filled49/720/999
3761DRAM  116 - 001   Perspectives in the Theatre: Page to StageMoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PMAubrey Snowden,
Mengwe Wapimewah
Genome Sciences Bui-Rm G01070/72Seats filled70/720/999
3762DRAM  116 - 002   Perspectives in the Theatre: Page to StageMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMAubrey Snowden,
Jillian Gregory,
Jack Roark,
Amanda Apony-Moriarty,
Bailey Doran
Genome Sciences Bui-Rm G100177/178Seats filled263/2640/999
3766DRAM  120 - 002   Play AnalysisMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMAlexandra SilvaGillings Dramatic A-Rm 024412/14Seats filled12/140/999
14329DRAM  120 - 003   Play AnalysisMoWeFr 12:20PM - 1:10PMGREGORY KABLE,
Kris Kingsolver
Gillings Dramatic A-Rm 010543/45Seats filled43/450/999
8662DRAM  120 - 01F   Play AnalysisTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMMARK PERRYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01059/12Seats filled32/35 
3770DRAM  135 - 001   Acting for NonmajorsTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMSamuel GatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0250Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
8651DRAM  135 - 002   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMMatthew DonahueGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
12493DRAM  135 - 003   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AMReez BaileyGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
14328DRAM  135 - 004   Acting for NonmajorsMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMJim BrayTBA14/15Seats filled14/150/999
9092DRAM  140 - 001   Voice Training ITuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMTia JamesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
11254DRAM  144 - 001   Acting the SongTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMDouglas HallGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010210/16Seats filled10/160/999
3771DRAM  150 - 001   Beginning Acting for the MajorTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMJeffrey CornellGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01044/10Seats filled8/140/999
11682DRAM  151 - 001   Introduction to the American Stage MusicalTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMLaToya LainHill Hall-Rm 010320/22Seats filled20/220/999
13382DRAM  154 - 001   Performers' AwarenessTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMGwendolyn SchwinkeGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010313/14Seats filled13/140/999
13360DRAM  155 - 001   Movement for the ActorTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMTracy BersleyGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0101Seats filledSeats filled16/160/999
3772DRAM  191 - 001   Technical Methods: SceneryMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:15PMWilliam ErnstPaul Green Theater-Rm 022911/12Seats filled11/120/999
3773DRAM  192 - 001   Technical Methods: CostumeMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:20PMJessica LandGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02477/8Seats filled7/80/999
9979DRAM  192 - 002   Technical Methods: CostumeMoWeFr 1:25PM - 3:20PMJessica LandGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled8/80/999
11741DRAM  220 - 001   Theatre HistoriesMoWeFr 10:10AM - 11:00AMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010533/45Seats filled33/450/999
11683DRAM  230 - 001   Theatre of the WordTuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled15/150/999
13486DRAM  230 - 002   Theatre of the WordTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010413/15Seats filled13/150/999
13488DRAM  230 - 003   Theatre of the WordMoWe 3:35PM - 4:50PMRachel HynesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010312/15Seats filled12/150/999
11767DRAM  231 - 001   Playwriting IWe 1:25PM - 3:55PMMARK PERRYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
11685DRAM  245 - 001   Acting for the CameraTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMSamuel GatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0102Seats filledSeats filled12/120/999
9400DRAM  250 - 001   Intermediate Acting for the MajorTuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMJeffrey CornellGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0104Seats filledSeats filled14/140/999
14879DRAM  277 - 002   Introduction to Theatrical DesignTuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AMDAVID NAVALINSKYGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0125Seats filledSeats filled18/180/999
13356DRAM  282 - 001   Theatre History and Literature IITuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMGREGORY KABLEGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010510/45Seats filled10/450/999
12437DRAM  284 - 001   Studies in Dramatic Theory and CriticismMo 11:15AM - 1:15PMAdam VersenyiGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01026/15Seats filled6/150/999
11790DRAM  287 - 001   African American TheatreTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMKathy WilliamsGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02446/12Seats filled6/12 
14980DRAM  300 - 001   DirectingTuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PMDouglas HallGillings Dramatic A-Rm 01029/12Seats filled9/120/999
14882DRAM  365 - 001   Introduction to Projection Design and MappingMo 1:25PM - 3:55PMTao WangGillings Dramatic A-Rm 010211/12Seats filled11/120/999
13353DRAM  466 - 001   Scene DesignTuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PMJan ChambersPaul Green Theater-Rm 022911/12Seats filled11/120/999
12443DRAM  468 - 001   Lighting Design ITuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PMTao WangPaul Green Theater-Rm 022910/12Seats filled10/120/999
11740DRAM  486 - 001   Latin American TheatreTuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AMAdam VersenyiGillings Dramatic A-Rm 024411/15Seats filled11/150/999
11227DRAM  587 - 001   Costume Seminars II: MillineryWeFr 10:05AM - 12:05PMRachel PollockTBA5/6Seats filled5/60/999
8688DRAM  590 - 001   Advanced Special Topics in Dramatic ArtWe 9:00AM - 10:00AMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02474/5Seats filled4/50/999
17960DRAM  590 - 002   Advanced Special Topics in Dramatic ArtTh 3:30PM - 5:00PMJan ChambersGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02181/2Seats filled1/2 
10712DRAM  721 - 001   Acting IIWeFr 9:15AM - 12:10PMGwendolyn SchwinkeGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0103Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
10713DRAM  723 - 001   Voice IITuTh 11:20AM - 12:45PMTia JamesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0101Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
10714DRAM  725 - 001   Movement IITuTh 9:00AM - 11:10AMTracy BersleyGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0101Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
10715DRAM  727 - 001   Rehearsal and Performance IITuWeThFrSa 1:00PM - 6:00PMVivienne BeneschGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0250Seats filledSeats filled6/60/999
3784DRAM  740 - 001   Costume Production I: Couture MethodsTuTh 8:30AM - 10:00AMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02473/5Seats filled3/50/999
3786DRAM  750 - 001   Advanced Special Studies: Costume Production II: Advanced Couture MethodsMo 9:45AM - 10:15AMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled2/20/999
3787DRAM  760 - 001   Costume Construction III: Advanced Pattern MakingMo 10:15AM - 12:15PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 0247Seats filledSeats filled2/20/999
3783DRAM  773 - 001   Costume Construction ITu 10:15AM - 12:15PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02473/4Seats filled3/40/999
13357DRAM  775 - 001   Costume Construction IIMo 10:15AM - 12:15PMTo be AnnouncedGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02470/6Seats filled0/60/999
3788DRAM  790 - 001   Costume Laboratory IMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02473/7Seats filled3/70/999
3789DRAM  792 - 001   Costume Laboratory IIIMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisTBA2/7Seats filled2/70/999
3790DRAM  800 - 001   Technical DirectionTuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 02220/5Seats filled0/50/999
3791DRAM  802 - 001   Advanced Technical DirectionTuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02220/2Seats filled2/40/999
3792DRAM  805 - 001   Special Studies: Technical ProductionMoWe 9:00AM - 10:30AMLaura PatesPaul Green Theater-Rm 02220/5Seats filled0/50/999
3793DRAM  806 - 001   Technical Planning and ProductionMoWeFr 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02220/5Seats filled0/50/999
3794DRAM  813 - 001   Special Studies: Technical ProductionTuTh 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01172/5Seats filled2/50/999
10019DRAM  820 - 001   Production and Facilities ManagementMoWe 9:00AM - 10:30AMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 02292/5Seats filled2/50/999
3795DRAM  830 - 001   Seminar in Professional Practice: Technical ProductionTuTh 9:00AM - 10:30AMLaura PatesGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02290/3Seats filled2/50/999
3796DRAM  830 - 002   Seminar in Professional Practice: Technical ProductionMoWe 10:30AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriTBA2/5Seats filled2/50/999
3797DRAM  841 - 001   Design Technical Theatre Practicum IMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:30PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01170/5Seats filled0/50/999
3798DRAM  843 - 001   Design Technical Theatre Practicum IIMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:30PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01170/3Seats filled2/50/999
3799DRAM  845 - 001   Design Technical InternshipFr 9:00AM - 12:00PMMichael RolleriPaul Green Theater-Rm 01172/5Seats filled2/50/999
8541DRAM  992 - 001   Master's Final PracticumMoTuWeThFr 1:00PM - 5:00PMTriffin MorrisGillings Dramatic A-Rm 02472/7Seats filled2/70/999