Here is information about ENVR class enrollment for fall 2024. Classes with no meeting time listed are not shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/issues. I am happy to add any departments that are missing from these listings, just reach out to ask!
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Data last updated: 2024-10-14 11:52:29.379834
Class Number | Class | Meeting Time | Instructor | Room | Unreserved Enrollment | Reserved Enrollment | Total Enrollment | Wait List |
10843 | ENVR 205 - 001 Engineering Tools for Environmental Problem Solving | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Barbara Turpin | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0235 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 45/45 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, MATH 231. Introduction to mass, energy, and momentum transport applied to environmental problem solving. Students ask and answer policy-oriented questions (define systems, document assumptions, explain the value and limitations of quantitative answers). They will apply these tools to the design of engineered solutions and characterization of natural and perturbed systems. 3 units. | ||||||||
1173 | ENVR 400 - 001 Seminar Series | We 12:20PM - 1:10PM | Lauren Eaves | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1301 | Seats filled | 25/75 | 25/75 | 0/999 |
Description: Presents results of ongoing research projects in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Topics and presenters are selected from among departmental graduate students and faculty. Student presenters learn how to present their research to a lay audience while students taking the class for credit learn how to critique a presentation as well as forge professional collaborations across disciplines. Undergraduates may not enroll without first discussing their participation, and obtaining approval from the instructor. 0.5 - 1 units. | ||||||||
1250 | ENVR 416 - 001 Aerosol Physics and Chemistry | TuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PM | JASON SURRATT | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2304 | 6/25 | Seats filled | 6/25 | 0/999 |
Description: Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. Physical and chemical principles underlying behavior of particles suspended in air. Topics include rectilinear and curvilinear motion of the particles in a force field, diffusion, evaporation, and condensation, electrical and optical properties, and particle coagulation. Three lecture hours a week and two laboratory sessions. 4 units. | ||||||||
13767 | ENVR 417 - 001 Oceanography | TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM | CAROL ARNOSTI | Murray Hall-Rm G201 | 2/5 | Seats filled | 2/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, major in a natural science or two courses in natural sciences. Studies origin of ocean basins, seawater chemistry and dynamics, biological communities, sedimentary record, and oceanographic history. Term paper. Students lacking science background should see EMES 103. Students may not receive credit for both EMES 103 and EMES 401. Course previously offered as GEOL 403/MASC 401. 3 units. | ||||||||
14562 | ENVR 417 - 002 Oceanography | MoWe 3:30PM - 4:45PM | MARC ALPERIN | Dey Hall-Rm 0305 | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, major in a natural science or two courses in natural sciences. Studies origin of ocean basins, seawater chemistry and dynamics, biological communities, sedimentary record, and oceanographic history. Term paper. Students lacking science background should see EMES 103. Students may not receive credit for both EMES 103 and EMES 401. Course previously offered as GEOL 403/MASC 401. 3 units. | ||||||||
1653 | ENVR 419 - 001 Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | Orlando Coronell | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2302 | 13/15 | Seats filled | 13/15 | 0/999 |
Description: Principles and applications of chemical equilibria to natural waters. Acid-base, solubility, complex formation, and redox reactions are discussed. This course uses a problem-solving approach to illustrate chemical speciation and environmental implications. Three lecture hours per week. 3 units. | ||||||||
1174 | ENVR 430 - 001 Health Effects of Environmental Agents | MoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PM | KUN LU | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0235 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 50/50 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, basic biology, chemistry through organic, calculus. Permission of the instructor for students lacking this preparation. Interactions of environmental agents (chemicals, infectious organisms, radiation) with biological systems including humans, with attention to routes of entry, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and mechanisms of adverse effects. Three lecture hours per week. 3 units. | ||||||||
1858 | ENVR 451 - 001 Introduction to Environmental Modeling | TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM | WILLIAM VIZUETE | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2303 | Seats filled | 15/18 | 17/20 | 0/999 |
Description: Focuses on how to model environmental transport and chemistry of pollutants. Covers mole balances, rate laws, chemical kinetics, and reactor design. Principles are applied to any environmental system where chemical transformations must be described. Three lecture hours per week. 3 units. | ||||||||
1176 | ENVR 468 - 001 Temporal GIS and Space/Time Geostatistics for the Environment and Public Health | TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM | Marc Serre | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 22/36 | Seats filled | 22/36 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, MATH 232; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisite. Reviews geographical information systems (GIS). Covers geostatistics theory for the interpolation of environmental and health monitoring data across space and time. Uses publicly available water and air quality monitoring data to create maps used for environmental assessment, regulatory compliance analysis, exposure science, and risk analysis. 3 units. | ||||||||
1782 | ENVR 525 - 001 Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Global Health | TuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PM | MICHAEL FISHER | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 16/45 | Seats filled | 16/45 | 0/999 |
Description: Builds on an understanding of infectious and toxic hazards, disease causation, and environmental transmission. Deals with hazard and disease classification; safety, risk, and vulnerability; interventions and their health impact; approaches in different settings; distal factors (e.g., water scarcity, climate change); and approaches to studying unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene. Previously offered as ENVR 682. 3 units. | ||||||||
1971 | ENVR 548 - 001 Sustainable Energy Systems | TuTh 3:30PM - 4:45PM | Noah Kittner | Murphey Hall-Rm 0104 | 13/15 | Seats filled | 13/15 | 0/999 |
Description: This course will provide an introduction to urgent topics related to energy, sustainability, and the environment. The course material will focus on new technologies, policies, and plans in cities and different governing bodies in the energy system with a focus on developing tools to analyze energy for its sustainability, impact on people, the environment, and the economy. 3 units. | ||||||||
15028 | ENVR 570 - 001 Uncertainty, Decisions, and the Environment | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | ANDREW YATES | Carolina Hall-Rm 0322 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 5/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, one course in probability and statistics. Use of quantitative tools for balancing conflicting priorities (such as costs versus human health protection) and evaluating uncertainties when making environmental decisions. 3 units. | ||||||||
1859 | ENVR 582 - 001 Sanitation for Development | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Musa Manga | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1303 | 13/22 | Seats filled | 13/22 | 0/999 |
Description: Over a million children die yearly from diarrhea, in part because 2.0 billion humans do not have access to a basic toilet. This course presents the problems and context of inadequate sanitation in the developing world, and, more importantly, the types of solutions and approaches available to reduce these problems. 3 units. | ||||||||
1429 | ENVR 630 - 001 Systems Biology in Environmental Health | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | REBECCA FRY | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1304 | 32/45 | Seats filled | 32/45 | 0/999 |
Description: Required preparation, one year of biology. Environmental systems biology examines how environmental stressors influence the components of a biological system, and how the interactions between these components result in changes in the function and behavior of that system. 3 units. | ||||||||
1177 | ENVR 661 - 001 Scientific Computation I | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | BOYCE GRIFFITH | Phillips Hall-Rm 0367 | Seats filled | Seats filled | 2/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Requires some programming experience and basic numerical analysis. Error in computation, solutions of nonlinear equations, interpolation, approximation of functions, Fourier methods, numerical integration and differentiation, introduction to numerical solution of ODEs, Gaussian elimination. 3 units. | ||||||||
1178 | ENVR 668 - 001 Methods of Applied Mathematics I | TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM | Katie Newhall | Phillips Hall-Rm 0224 | 1/2 | Seats filled | 1/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Requires an undergraduate course in differential equations. Contour integration, asymptotic expansions, steepest descent/stationary phase methods, special functions arising in physical applications, elliptic and theta functions, elementary bifurcation theory. 3 units. | ||||||||
13493 | ENVR 671 - 001 Environmental Physics I | TuTh 8:00AM - 9:15AM | Cass Miller | TBA | 2/8 | Seats filled | 2/8 | 0/999 |
Description: A first graduate-level course in physical principles relevant to environmental systems. Topics include dimensional analysis, tensor calculus, conservation of mass and momentum. Applications are considered from natural and engineered systems and across all relevant media. Focus is on the development of mechanistic representation of environmental systems. 3 units. | ||||||||
11794 | ENVR 675 - 001 Air Pollution, Chemistry, and Physics | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Jason West | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 2303 | 5/20 | Seats filled | 5/20 | 0/999 |
Description: This class is designed for graduate students planning for research in air pollution, emphasizing chemical kinetics and engineering approaches to problem solving in addition to atmospheric structure, meteorology, and modeling. We address problems of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, particulate matter, and acid rain. We emphasize quantitative problem solving in homework. 3 units. | ||||||||
1716 | ENVR 705 - 001 One Health: Philosophy to Practical Integration | Mo 5:00PM - 7:00PM | Mamie Harris, Jill Stewart | TBA | 6/9 | Seats filled | 7/10 | 0/999 |
Description: This course explores the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health and facilitates the understanding of health as an inexorably linked system requiring multidisciplinary collaborative efforts. The One Health concept demonstrates the importance of a holistic approach to disease prevention and the maintenance of human, animal, and environmental health. 1 - 3 units. | ||||||||
1604 | ENVR 722 - 001 Toxicology Seminar III | Mo 3:00PM - 4:00PM | ILONA JASPERS | Mary Ellen Jones-Rm 3116 | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Presentations by outside invited speakers, local faculty, advanced graduate students, and postdoctoral trainees. Topics will cover all areas of research in toxicology. One hour per week. 1 units. | ||||||||
1179 | ENVR 749 - 001 Biochemical Toxicology | TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM | Gregory Smith | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0133 | 0/4 | 1/6 | 1/10 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisite, CHEM 430; permission of the instructor for students lacking the prerequisites. Required preparation, one course in biochemistry. Biochemical actions of toxicants and assessment of cellular damage by biochemical measurements. Three lecture hours per week. 3 units. | ||||||||
14513 | ENVR 753 - 001 Programming for Environmental Applications | Fr 10:10AM - 11:25AM | Greg Characklis, Timothy Weigand, YASH AMONKAR | McGavran-Greenberg -Rm 1302 | 10/18 | Seats filled | 10/18 | 0/999 |
Description: Corequisite, ENVR 755. A one-credit course designed to give new graduate students the tools to apply the Python programming language to their own research and work. The course covers introductory material including the variable types and data structures and progresses to more advanced capabilities, such as regression analysis and optimization. The course is heavily focused on bi-/weekly assignments meant to reinforce the lectures and highlights basic applications in environmental science. Companion course to ENVR 755. 1 units. | ||||||||
1368 | ENVR 755 - 001 Analysis of Water Resource Systems | MoWe 10:10AM - 11:25AM | Greg Characklis | Rosenau Hall-Rm 0230 | 11/15 | Seats filled | 11/15 | 0/999 |
Description: Permission of the instructor for nonmajors. Use of mathematical models to design and evaluate regional water supply and treatment systems. Engineering and economic methods are incorporated into quantitative analyses of regional scenarios. Social and political aspects also discussed. Three lecture hours per week. 3 units. | ||||||||
10737 | ENVR 763 - 001 Mathematical Modeling I | TuTh 11:00AM - 12:15PM | Greg Forest | Phillips Hall-Rm 0224 | 0/2 | Seats filled | 0/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Prerequisites, MATH 661, 662, 668, and 669. Nondimensionalization and identification of leading order physical effects with respect to relevant scales and phenomena; derivation of classical models of fluid mechanics (lubrication, slender filament, thin films, Stokes flow); derivation of weakly nonlinear envelope equations. Fall. 3 units. | ||||||||
1949 | ENVR 777 - 001 Air Quality and Atmospheric Sciences Seminar | Mo 12:20PM - 1:10PM | WILLIAM VIZUETE, Jason West | Hooker Research Cen-Rm 0003 | 2/15 | Seats filled | 2/15 | 0/999 |
Description: This course gives students practice organizing a scientific presentation and speaking in front of an audience and promoting interdisciplinary interaction. Students will research topics and organize presentations for faculty and other students. The topics may be any aspect of air quality and atmospheric sciences. 1 units. | ||||||||
1826 | ENVR 795 - 001 Critical issues in work, worker and workplace health | Tu 12:30PM - 3:30PM | LAURA LINNAN, Maija Leff | TBA | 9/20 | Seats filled | 9/20 | 0/999 |
Description: This course prepares students to contribute as members of an interdisciplinary team to protect and promote workers' health. Students will learn that work is a social determinant of health and explore the context in which worker health protection/promotion practitioners work. Students will be able to summarize key regulations and policies that impact work and worker health. 3 units. | ||||||||
11796 | ENVR 797 - 001 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene | Tu 6:00PM - 7:00PM | LEENA NYLANDER-FRENCH, John Staley | TBA | 6/20 | Seats filled | 6/20 | 0/999 |
Description: Provides broad understanding of industrial hygiene. Major emphasis is recognition of hazards in the workplace, evaluation of measurement of those hazards, and application of control strategies. The course will focus on introductory level industrial hygiene concepts associated with the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and confirmation of control of occupational health hazards. 3 units. | ||||||||
11332 | ENVR 991 - 005 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Musa Manga | TBA | 4/5 | Seats filled | 4/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1189 | ENVR 991 - 006 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | WILLIAM VIZUETE | TBA | 2/5 | Seats filled | 2/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1190 | ENVR 991 - 007 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | REBECCA FRY | TBA | Seats filled | Seats filled | 5/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1301 | ENVR 991 - 010 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Orlando Coronell | TBA | 4/7 | Seats filled | 4/7 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
12924 | ENVR 991 - 011 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Ryan Cronk | TBA | 0/5 | Seats filled | 0/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
17654 | ENVR 991 - 014 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Lauren Eaves | TBA | 0/5 | Seats filled | 0/5 | |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1191 | ENVR 991 - 016 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Jason West | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1192 | ENVR 991 - 026 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Jill Stewart, REBECCA FRY | TBA | 1/7 | Seats filled | 1/7 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1295 | ENVR 991 - 030 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | JASON SURRATT | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1626 | ENVR 991 - 032 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Barbara Turpin | TBA | 1/3 | Seats filled | 1/3 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1193 | ENVR 991 - 033 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Michael Piehler | TBA | 0/2 | Seats filled | 0/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1648 | ENVR 991 - 037 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | KUN LU | TBA | 4/5 | Seats filled | 4/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1294 | ENVR 991 - 043 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | AVRAM GOLD | TBA | 0/2 | Seats filled | 0/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1667 | ENVR 991 - 051 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Courtney Woods | TBA | 1/2 | Seats filled | 1/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1194 | ENVR 991 - 059 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Cass Miller | TBA | 1/6 | Seats filled | 1/6 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1195 | ENVR 991 - 065 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | hans paerl | TBA | 0/2 | Seats filled | 0/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1643 | ENVR 991 - 067 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | James Samet | TBA | 0/2 | Seats filled | 0/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1196 | ENVR 991 - 070 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | DALE WHITTINGTON | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1247 | ENVR 991 - 095 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | LEENA NYLANDER-FRENCH | TBA | Seats filled | Seats filled | 5/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1197 | ENVR 991 - 098 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Greg Characklis | TBA | Seats filled | Seats filled | 6/6 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
13422 | ENVR 991 - 099 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | ILONA JASPERS | TBA | 0/5 | Seats filled | 0/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1198 | ENVR 991 - 100 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Marc Serre | TBA | 2/5 | Seats filled | 2/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
17796 | ENVR 991 - 108 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Timothy Weigand | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1199 | ENVR 991 - 110 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | RACHEL NOBLE | TBA | 0/3 | Seats filled | 0/3 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1835 | ENVR 991 - 124 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Glenn Morrison | TBA | 1/2 | Seats filled | 1/2 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1904 | ENVR 991 - 130 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Julia Rager | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1879 | ENVR 991 - 131 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Noah Kittner | TBA | 3/5 | Seats filled | 3/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1977 | ENVR 991 - 133 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Aaron Salzberg, REBECCA FRY | TBA | 1/9 | Seats filled | 1/9 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1997 | ENVR 991 - 134 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Amanda Northcross | TBA | 0/4 | Seats filled | 0/4 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1887 | ENVR 991 - 135 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | John Staley | TBA | 0/5 | Seats filled | 0/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1981 | ENVR 991 - 136 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | MICHAEL FISHER | TBA | 1/5 | Seats filled | 1/5 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. | ||||||||
1978 | ENVR 991 - 137 Research in Environmental Sciences and Engineering | MoWeFr 8:00AM - 8:50AM | Joe Brown | TBA | 4/10 | Seats filled | 4/10 | 0/999 |
Description: Consultation with the faculty and approval of subject and proposed program required. Permission of the instructor. May be repeated. Hours and credits to be arranged. 1 - 9 units. |